The Coul–Oak Steelers are a nonprofit Pop Warner organization that sponsors football & cheerleading for boys & girls ages 5 to 13 years of age in the Coulwood, Oakdale, and Mountain Island areas of Charlotte. The mission of the Coul-Oak Steelers is to build strong minds and bodies through excellence within teamwork and ensure that our young student-athletes achieve their highest potential. The vision of the Coul-Oak Steelers is to be respected as the very best youth football program in the nation. The Coul-Oak Steelers focus on four key areas in achieving our vision: 1) build confidence through self-esteem and a feeling of contribution within each person in our program, 2) encourage open and honest communication from all team members, 3) respect the dignity and diversity of each person on the team, and 4) commit to team unity through strong leadership, principles and trust in each other. This shared philosophy is vital for program unity, growth and awareness in the community. Coul-Oak has also identified the following principles as prerequisites to implementing our program’s philosophy successfully: commitment, integrity, unselfishness, discipline, purposeful work, good citizenship, intense enthusiasm, honesty, player development through fundamentals, positive attitudes, and persistence.